The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
A few weeks ago I noticed that People vs O.J. Simpson on Netflix apparently had “new episodes”, which took me by surprise. I mean, what else is there to say about this case? Wasn’t it finished? Are they doing a fictional sequel!? But then I realized it was a whole new unrelated season about the assassination of fashion designer Gianni Versace. I knew absolutely nothing about this man or his murder so the premise was fresh. Was it good? Yes, very much so, but it wasn’t as tight as season 1. I binged the whole thing in less than two days and loved most of it. Fantastic cast, interesting story (albeit depressing) and a cool 90s setting. By the end I hated the main character so much lol, especially for [spoiler]killing Dave and Jeff ;_;[/spoiler]
I don’t remember the 90s particularly well, but I gotta say I taken aback by how shitty gay rights were back then. Like wow, the cops barely gave a shit about an incredibly dangerous serial killer simply because he was a gay man killing other gay people. We’ve come a long way since then.